Always live the standards in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet, and avoid “unholy places.” What he said is, it helps when we stand in holy places now. That means avoiding places and times when we would be tempted to make wrong choices. I know that this is really important to live by The For Strength of Youth pamphlet. I hope you all know that it is not to late to start today. We all make mistakes in our life but we shouldn't keep making those mistakes. We should start fixing those mistakes today. I want you to know that you should know if you are ready to enter the temple or not.
Stay close to and help strengthen your family.
He says, the message of the temple is a message about families—eternal families. Our homes can be places of holiness and strength.I think this is really important to know. The temple helps us make covenants so that our family can be together forever and by doing that, you should be kind to your family and be close to them. They will be there with you forever. I am really grateful for that. I know I want to be with my family forever and the family I am going to have someday.
Make scripture study a part of your life.
This is really important to do. For a while I struggled reading my scriptures but when I started reading them, I realized they really help my life and I have learned so much out of them. He says, not only by reading regularly but also by relying on the scriptures to help you make important decisions. I also really like what he says there. I hope you all rely on the scriptures to help you. I know when I have trials, he helps me through the scriptures. When I go to the temple, I bring my scriptures and I read them while I am there. I have learned so much by doing that because I feel like I get more out of it and that I am not distracted by other things around me.
Have a picture of a temple in your room.
This really helps to have a picture of the temple in your room because it reminds you of where you should be achieving to go. I have a picture on my closet door, so every morning, I wake up and know that I should make right choices so that I can go when I get the chance to. He also said, there is something powerful about seeing a picture of the temple day after day and using that to recommit ourselves to remain worthy to attend the temple. I agree with that myself. One thing that also really helps me is that one of my leaders made each of the girls mirrors and on it is Christ. She told us that every time we look in that mirror, to know that we are a daughter of God. I look in it every chance I can and I know that I have Christ in my life.
When we are 12 we able to go to the temple and do Baptisms for the Dead. You can do these your whole life as long as you are worthy to enter the temple. The Baptisms of the Dead is doing work for people that bring in names of their diseased relatives. What they do is that we confirm them and baptize them. It is really special because I know that someone who didn't know the gospel gets the chance to know more about it in Heaven and they can accept the gospel. I know that I am helping people and my ancestors as I go to the temple to do baptisms one day. I know that once we are in Heaven, that who ever you baptized and confirmed will give you a big hug and say thanks for what you did. Then,when you are old enough to get married, you can get endowments which help do people who weren't able to get married in the temple forever. I know that is something I am looking forward to doing. I hope you will strive to go to the temple as often as you can. I know that is very special and sacred when you go. I love going to the temple and I hope to get sealed to my husband and my kids for eternity when I can. The temple is so important to our church that we have 136 temples around the world and more still being built. I want to bear my testimony that I know that Heavenly Father lives and loves us. I know that temples are really important and I look forward to it every time I get to go. I know that the scriptures are true. I know that my family will get to live together forever and I strive to be closer to them. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
This is the temple that I go to most often because it is closest to us. I love how pretty it looks and hope to get married in there one day.
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